
We as public media

  1. promote democratic opinion-forming and cultural diversity, thereby fulfilling our constitutional mandate.
  2. are aware of the responsibility we bear through public funding and ensure the greatest possible effectiveness.
  3. are guided by the public interest when setting topics and can / must deal with topics that are neglected in the private media.
  4. stand for reliable, fair and balanced journalism and focus our actions on impact and not on reach.
  5. understand our offer as a service to society and our products as common property and thus fulfil another task than private publishers.
  6. take our broad public and the different and changing needs seriously when choosing distribution channels, and thus ensure a high level of brand loyalty.
  7. are constantly looking for new ways to reach as many people as possible and thus fulfil our mission to be there for the general public.
  8. actively involve our audience and make use of the opportunities that participation offers.
  9. understand improvement as a process that is never finished and can thus continuously increase the value of our offers and products.
  10. measure and question existing offers and products quantitatively and qualitatively and thus ensure that deficits are discovered and remedied as quickly as possible.
  11. are transparent, publish the metrics and the findings derived from them and make decisions comprehensible.
  12. use technological developments in production and distribution and thus exploit the technological potential that can reduce costs and improve quality.
  13. actively promote technological development in the media industry itself and thus make our own contribution to improving the supply of media content to the population.
  14. ensure that appropriate organisational forms and processes are in place to ensure that resources are used as efficiently as possible and that information flows transparently inside and outside the organisation, thereby laying the foundation for informed decisions to be made and communicated.
  15. are aware that media organisations can only be as good as their employees and therefore provide suitable conditions to make us an attractive employer.